Western Digital AV WD3200AVJB 320 GB Internal Hard Drive 7200 rpm
Product Description
With a MTBF of 1 million hours, this drive is designed to last in high temperature always-on streaming digital audio/video environments such as PVR/DVR, DVR recorders, and surveillance video recorders. Noise levels have been minimized to less than one sone - virtually below the threshold of human hearing. WD AV drive delivers best-in-class low power consumption for reduced system power requirements and increased reliability.
?á?á?á?á Average Latency: ?á?á?á ?á?á?á 4.2 ms
?á?á?á Average Seek Time: ?á?á?á ?á?á?á 15 ms
?á?á?á Buffer Size: ?á?á?á ?á?á?á 8 MB
?á?á?á Data Transfer Rate: ?á?á?á ?á?á?á 100 MBps
?á?á?á Form Factor: ?á?á?á ?á?á?á 3.5" x 1/3H
?á?á?á Form Factor (metric): ?á?á?á ?á?á?á 8.9 cm x 1/3H
?á?á?á Form Factor (Short): ?á?á?á ?á?á?á 3.5"
?á?á?á Form Factor (Short) (metric): ?á?á?á ?á?á?á 8.9 cm
?á?á?á Hard Drive Type: ?á?á?á ?á?á?á Internal hard drive
?á?á?á Interface: ?á?á?á ?á?á?á ATA-100
?á?á?á Non-Recoverable Errors: ?á?á?á ?á?á?á 1 per 10^15
?á?á?á Spindle Speed: ?á?á?á ?á?á?á 7200 rpm
?á?á?á Start Stop Cycles: ?á?á?á ?á?á?á 50,000
?á?á?á Storage Interface: ?á?á?á ?á?á?á ATA-100
?á?á?á Track-to-Track Seek Time: ?á?á?á ?á?á?á 2 ms