Product Description
Designed for the most demanding 3D workstation users, Matrox Parhelia 256MB provides the ultimate in productivity and image quality for the AEC, DCC, MCAD and GIS markets. In addition to offering award winning image quality, no compromise reliability and cutting-edge workstation features, Matrox Parhelia 256MB enables sustained productivity by providing ample local memory for the most demanding design environments including hardware accelerated 3D on triple-displays and complex rendering with abundant high-resolution texture usage. Parhelia 256MB also supports Matrox's unique Surround Design - the only triple-head accelerated 3D environment from a single AGP graphics solution - and comes bundled with productivity-enhancing components such as custom PrecisionCAD drivers for AutoCAD, powerful visualization and collaboration tools from TORNADO Technologies, WYSIWYG plug-ins for 3D Studio Max, and professional multi-monitor color calibration from WayTech Developments.