The Intel Pentium 4 processor, Intel's most advanced, most powerful processor for desktop PCs and entry-level workstations, is based on Intel NetBurst microarchitecture. The Pentium 4 processor is designed to deliver performance across applications and usages where end-users can truly appreciate and experience the performance. These applications include Internet audio and streaming video, image processing, video content creation, speech, 3D, CAD, games, multimedia, and multi-tasking user environments. The Pentium 4 processor delivers this world-class performance for consumer enthusiasts and business professional desktop PC users as well as for entry-level workstation users.
* Mfr Part Number: RK80532PE061512
* Process Type: Intel?« Pentium 4 processor
* Frequence: 2.53 GHz
* FSB: 533 MHz
* L2 Cache Size/Speed: 512KB / 2.53GHz
* Process: 0.13 micron
* Socket: 478 pin PPGA FC-PGA2
* Package: OEM